In light of the most recent changes to government restrictions regarding indoor performances, we thought we would take this opportunity to give an update on the current situation. We are now moving to a new phase of responding to the crisis, as we look to the future. The past weeks have been dominated by the immediate fallout of this situation and readying ourselves to weather the long-term financial impact that we know lies ahead. We have been working hard over the past four months to make sure that the BSO will be in a position to perform once again and have been in wider national consultation with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport along with other colleague organisations to ensure that when we do return to live performance, it will be safe for everyone. Whatever challenges we face, the BSO will continue to use music to create extraordinary experiences every day for and with the communities we serve. Live or digitally, in classrooms, theatres, homes and public spaces; we will continue to share music with people of all ages and backgrounds.
We are working with our partners at all of the theatres and venues in which we regularly perform, in order to understand the challenges we will need to overcome together, and to ensure the continued safety and wellbeing of our audiences, performers, technical crew and front of house staff. Unfortunately some venues have taken the hard decision to remain closed until 2021 but, as announced last week, we are delighted that Lighthouse, Poole will be opening from mid-September and we are actively working with them in the necessary next steps to the resumption of BSO rehearsals and performances.
Hear our Chief Executive, Dougie Scarfe, talk about the steps we are taking:
To assist with our planning we would also value your thoughts and perspective, in particular your views on digital streaming of concerts to watch live from home, wherever you live, and audiences returning to the concert hall. We would therefore ask that you might take five minutes to complete this short survey which will be a valuable tool to help us shape the autumn.