We are proud to announce the appointment of Marta Gardolińska as our Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association. The Orchestra is extremely grateful to the Leverhulme for its generous support, enabling this position and opportunity to be possible.

Over 125 young conductors from around the world applied for this unique position. The role provides a platform for the next generation of talented young conductors to establish themselves in the classical music world. We would like to thank everyone that applied and congratulate those that took part in the auditions.

Dougie Scarfe, Chief Executive, said: “Supporting new generations of artistic talent is an extremely important part of the BSO’s work, and the BSO Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association plays a vital role in this. We are extremely grateful to the Leverhulme Trust for making this position possible and for championing artistic development. I am delighted that this position has generated so much interest; the quality of the young conductors were extremely high. Congratulations to Marta Gardolińska for becoming the BSO’s newLeverhulme Young Conductor in Association. We are all looking forward to working with Marta next season. Marta will not only be working with the BSO in the concert hall but also engaging with communities through BSO Participate across the South and South West.”

The two-day audition process took place at the our home venue Lighthouse, Poole. On Tuesday 5 June, the 11 shortlisted candidates had 20 minutes with to demonstrate their rehearsal technique and conducting skills. Each candidate was asked to conduct part of Brahms’ Variations on the Theme of Haydn and Copland’s Buckaroo Holiday from Rodeo, as well as conducting part of either Sibelius’ Symphony No.2 or Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.6.

Following a ballot by members of the Orchestra, four candidates were then invited to a second round of auditions the following day. On Wednesday 6 June, the candidates conducted works by Mahler, Britten and Elgar. Another ballot determined the finalists competing for this incredible opportunity.

The finalists went head to head in a public performance, after just 30 minutes of rehearsals each, the conductors performed Peter Grimes’ Dawn and Storm from Four Sea Interludes and part of Elgar’s Enigma Variations. After a confident and inspiring performance, Marta Gardolińska was selected as the our Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association.

Heather Duncan, Head of Concerts and Programming, said: “Marta caught the attention of the orchestra from the first round of auditions with her clear, open and collaborative style of music-making. Marta comes to the BSO with significant experience already and is ideally placed to take on the schedule of concerts we have lined up for her. Working with the Orchestra across its full programme of concerts and activities, Marta has the opportunity to gain broad experience of conducting as well as assisting Chief Conductor Kirill Karabits, and the BSO’s roster of internationally acclaimed guest conductors”

An award-winning Polish conductor, she has been establishing her name in classical music, in her own country and abroad, as an inspiring and versatile conductor. Marta studied at some of the most prestigious institutions in Europe and the USA, including the Frédéric Chopin Music University in Warsaw, the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna and the Pierre Monteux School for Conductors and Orchestral Musicians in Maine, USA.

At the beginning of 2017 Marta took the position of Principal Conductor of the TU-Orchester Wien, and most recently Marta has been chosen as the Associate Fellow of the Taki Concordia Conducting Fellowship 2017-2019, which will see her assist Marin Alsop, our Principal Conductor from 2002-2008, in various projects.

W are absolutely thrilled to welcome Marta as the new BSO Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association and look forward to the opportunity of working together in the forthcoming 2018/19 concert season. With the support and mentorship of our Chief Conductor and Principal players, this invaluable experience will hone Marta’s conducting technique, performance style and communication skills.

“I am very honoured to be chosen as the Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association at Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Winning an audition that was organised in such a transparent and fair way means a lot to me, especially knowing that the choice came directly from the lovely orchestra. I am sure that working with a group of these extraordinary and supportive musicians will be a beautiful opportunity for me to grow as a conductor and musician. I am very much looking forward to participating in the very varied and intense activities of the whole organisation and learning from Maestro Karabits as well as all the other conductors coming to the BSO.” Marta Gardolińska, Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association

This Young Conductor in Association is a prestigious position within the Orchestra that was established by in 1970. It has successfully supported the career development of 15 conductors and the acclaimed position continues to provide invaluable experience of working with a professional world-class orchestra to deliver the highest level of artistic excellence. Thanks to the support of the Leverhulme Trust, the position continues to appoint aspiring new talent attracting the attention of the classical music world.

The Leverhulme Trust’s long-standing support of this highly sort after position has seen the careers of previous BSO Leverhulme Young Conductor’s in Association flourish. Rui Pinheiro (2010-2012) went on to become the Principal Conductor of the Orquestra Clássica do Sul, Portugal. Maxime Tortelier (2012-2014) has enjoyed invitations from other leading orchestras including the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Most recently, Frank Zielhorst (2014-2016) was appointed Principal Conductor of Sinfonia Viva, making him the second BSO Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association to hold this position as Andre de Ridder (2005-2007) was Principal Conductor of Sinfonia Viva from 2007 until 2012.

We would like to thank the Leverhulme Trust for its continued support of this position, as the funding has enabled the development of new generations of artistic talent helping them to establish their conducting careers.