Describing Enyi Okpara as a “talent to watch” Classic FM selected Enyi for his work in musical outreach, accessibility and education as well as founding Elysium Music, a charity dedicated to collaborative projects between young professional musicians and children.

Enyi said, “I feel incredibly honoured and touched to be on this list alongside some incredible young musicians from around the world, thank you so much to Classic FM for the mention.

But most importantly, I’ve been very lucky to have the consistent support of so many inspirational people I continue to learn so much from. Thank you to everyone who has supported this whirlwind of a musical journey so far, and here’s to many more musical adventures to come!”

Enyi stepped into the role of BSO Calleva Assistant Conductor in September 2024 after successfully winning the BSO Assistant Conductor Competition in spring of the same year. Since then, he has conducted a range of concerts across the South West, including a concert with clarinettist Julian Bliss, a selection of festive concerts, our Explore the Orchestra Schools Concerts, and much more.

Come along to see Enyi conduct our ‘Classical Extravaganza’ concert on Friday 8 August at Meyrick Park. Tickets available here. Read our blog to find out more about Enyi here.

The Calleva Assistant Conductor programme is funded by The Calleva Foundation, in memory of Jack Butt.