All are welcome, whether living in the community or in residential settings to this relaxed concert, in which you may come and go as you wish. Our approach to chatting, singing along and movement is totally relaxed.

The afternoon is presented by the musicians who will give insights into their instruments and guide the audience through a mixed programme of classical repertoire and special arrangements of popular music from Bach to Joni Mitchell, with a cup of tea and slice of cake.

Cake Concerts are dementia-friendly, relaxed performances so some small changes are made to create a more comfortable environment for everyone. Everyone is welcome to come and go during the concert – it is fine to leave and return as many times as needed. Helpers (BSO and Hall for Cornwall) will be on hand on the day to support audience members throughout. We ask all to be tolerant and accepting of the fact that people may express enjoyment of the music in different ways; our approach to chatter, singing along, and movement is totally relaxed, and we request that everyone in our audience is supportive of this.